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Generation Mixed 

Category: Self Improvement

In the 2010 Census multiracial people were counted at 9 million; in 2020 it exploded to 33.8 million a 276% increase. Generation Mixed Podcast was created as an outlet for these voices to be heard, one story at a time. Weekly guests will give you glimpses of their lives, about how they navigate through a world that is not always accepting. There will be similarities and differences. Each story will weave a thread that, combined with other stories, will create a beautiful colorful tapestry that represents what it means to be multiracial in America. Let's come together, tune in, and start creating a community. Hosted by Jolie, or Jolie Frijole when the whim hits her, she will bring these stories to you in a Q&A format by guests from different backgrounds and life experiences. She begins the first podcast about herself, and each week will bring a new guest or guests to share their stories. ​ Make sure to catch me on Spotify, Apple Podcast & iHeart Radio every Wednesday for new and exciting personal stories. 


Hosted by Jolie Chevalier


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Generation Mixed Podcast! ​


Life begins at 50. My name is Jolie and I was born and raised in New York City to a multiracial couple in 1971. Throughout my life, I wanted to find a community similar to who I was and who I am. I found that community when I moved to the Bay Area, in California. Our numbers are growing, and it’s our time to be heard. Join me in hearing my stories and their stories about what it means to be multiracial in America.

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I'm always looking for guests and new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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